Social prescribing is about connecting people with social, emotional or practical needs to local sources of help and support. Social prescribing empowers people to take control of their own health and wellbeing. Click here to view a video that explains more about Social Prescribing.
At Milton Abbas Surgery, we have two Social Prescribers – Kelly & Anna.
If you are struggling with your mental health, financial worries, bereavement, carer strain or any other concerns please do not feel that you are on your own – we are here to help. We all need support at one time or another, so do not be afraid to ask.
If you would like a listening ear about anything that is worrying you or would like help finding the support you need, please contact the surgery and they can put you in touch with one of our Social Prescribers. You can also send an email to [email protected] for our attention.
Resources & Websites
- LiveWell Dorset
- Dorset Self Management Service
- Steps 2 Wellbeing
- NHS Every Mind Matters
- Citizens Advice
- Local Community Money Advice Scheme
- Dorset Food Banks
- NHS Healthy Start Scheme
- When a Loved One Dies Leaflet
Follow our surgery Facebook page @miltonabbassurgery for useful information and the latest surgery news.